epd landscape
Brooklands, Tompion & Newsam
Tompion and Newsem forms one of the public open spaces within the Brooklands development.
South Bucks Country Park
South Bucks District Council is proposing to transform the former 20ha golf course and driving range into a country park and café hub, to be open to the public all year around providing a wide range of recreational facilities.
Huntingdonshire Biodiversity Improvement
We worked closely with the Huntingdonshire District Council to design and improve biodiversity in three different sites. The design includes enhancing woodlands and grasslands creates wild habitats where possible.
Landscape Architecture
As Landscape Architects we strive to achieve meaningful designs which are true to both the aspirations of the client and the landscape. At epd, we pride ourselves that sustainability is at the heart of our values. The landscape is a valuable resource that can be a refuge for declining plants and animals, whilst still offering places for people to enjoy. Creative, inspiring design enables sustainable landscapes to become a balancing factor of the interactions between the elements of modern living. This is why we help our clients to create projects that contribute to a wider network of habitat creation with a focus on providing desirable spaces in which we can live, work and play.
Landscape Planning
At epd we are aware of the challenges a project can face to comply with national and local planning regulations. With our extensive technical knowledge and experience we can assess the impacts of a development on landscape and visual receptors and mitigate accordingly to reduce the significance of effects, helping to create beneficial outcomes for all. If your project requires help with the planning process, we can help with the initial site planning or design, and help produce planning drawings ready to submit as part of a planning application. We can also provide site photography and visualisations/ photomontages to help bring a project to life.
Urban Design
At epd we aim to connect beyond the red line, to integrate proposed developments in a wholly more sustainable, comprehensive and sympathetic setting. We are culturally, environmentally and socially aware of the implications of complex strategic projects and strive to ensure that the most suitable outcome for all parties is achieved. We accomplish this by designing with the unique elements presented at a site to inform the core character, coupled with the client’s brief to fuse a landscape-led solution to any site’s myriad of challenges. As landscape architects we can work with and lead a multi-disciplinary team of specialist consultants to tailor bespoke results for every project.