epd Landscape Architects - The Stables, Duxbury Hall Road, Duxbury Park, Chorley PR7 4AT 01257 460 461
Rugby Radio Station
Project Overview

This Sustainable Urban Extension comprises 473 hectares of land which was previously used for radio communications dating back to the 1920’s. In January 2014 Rugby Borough Council’s planning committee unanimously resolved to grant outline planning consent for the Rugby Radio Station development on the old BT masts site to the east of the town
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This marked a very significant milestone in a project which the landscape team at epd had been involved with for over 10 years. During this time designs evolved considerably following Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, stakeholder consultations, community engagement, and a design inquiry. The team had also collaborated closely with David Lock Associates on the masterplan for the development and produced a comprehensive Green Infrastructure Strategy document for the entire development.
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